Two Birds, One Incredible Restaurant

Nestled in an old River Pilot home overlooking the Mississippi River, Crane and Pelican, owned and operated by Mandy Harvey, gives customers a glimpse into LeClaire’s powerful history while dining on good for the soul, inspired-by-home recipes. In fact, these dishes might feel familiar. Maybe hazy memories of Sunday dinners past or an unexpectedly enjoyable holiday gathering come to mind. Like our memories, food is a powerful way to connect with each other. So, when you’re here, sit back & enjoy recipes inspired by those most dear to Mandy’s life story.
Decades ago, the Dawley family called this building home. A self-made man, Captain Dawley supported his family of 11 while founding his legacy on the progression of education & industry within the township of LeClaire. Known for her benevolence (and love for gardening), Sabina Dawley was coined “Lady Bountiful” by the LeClaire township for her charitable contributions to the town & its people. Together, Mr. and Mrs. Dawley helped create the industrious river town that boosted LeClaire from its humble roots of centuries past into a relaxing, elegant location to unwind and reconnect with those most important to you.

Mandy Harvey, Owner of Crane and Pelican Café
That history breathes life into the recipes and ambiance of The Crane & Pelican Cafe as it creates a new chapter within the history of this property. Today, one of LeClaire’s most amazing local cuisines is the culmination of generations of love, care, and dedication to the growth of this town. One unsung hero is Mandy’s mother who helped LeClaire flourish into the vibrant and bustling town we know now. In all her superpowers, one of the greatest feats was mastering the meatloaf recipe–one of their most popular dishes! Taste a bit of the magic for yourself next time you visit LeClaire, Iowa.